You Aren't Alone: Five Successful People You'd Never Guess Were Once Fired

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

Anybody who has ever been fired from a job knows how discouraging and disappointing the experience is. Whether you were handed a pink slip because of organizational cutbacks or as a result of your own wrongdoing, the feelings of dread and devastation are just as evident. It is important, however, to remember that this single instance does not define you. Millions of people have been fired at some point in their lives, and many have gone on to do amazing things. When you need inspiration, think about these five people who were fired before achieving immense success.

1. Walt Disney

Imagine a world without Disney World theme parks, Mickey Mouse cartoons and animated Disney films. Everyone would be living in such a world right now if Walt Disney had let a few career failures get him down.

In his early 20s, Walt Disney worked as a newspaper artist for the Kansas City Star. While Disney’s job was to draw comic strips and political cartoons, his editor felt the artist lacked good ideas and imagination. Disney was fired from the newspaper in 1919. He moved on to his own venture, Laugh-O-Gram Studio, which fell into bankruptcy within two years. Undaunted by past failures, Disney, together with his brother, founded The Disney Brothers Studios, and it was there that the animation artist created Mickey Mouse. Animated cartoons, full-length films and theme parks soon followed, creating an empire that is worth more than $48 billion today.

2. Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey is a household name. She has her own television channel, book club and media company; hosted a successful talk show for 25 years; and is a producer and actress. However, she was not always successful in the television industry. Oprah once worked as a news reporter for Baltimore’s WJZ-TV, but her producer was unhappy with how emotionally invested she became in her stories and fired her, saying Oprah was “unfit for television news.”

Oprah moved to Chicago and became the host of “AM Chicago,” which was later renamed “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” Aside from being successful in television, Oprah was also named the “greatest Black philanthropist in American history” by, thanks in part to her worth through Oprah’s Angel Network.

3. Steve Jobs

The firing of Steve Jobs may be one of the most well-known success stories in business, as it has prompted many books and movies.

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak started Apple Computer in Jobs’ garage in 1976. The business quickly grew and was a billion-dollar business by 1980. When the Macintosh was introduced in 1984, Wozniak and Jobs differed on their visions for the future of the company, and the board of directors fired Jobs.

Despite his setback, Jobs founded Pixar Animation Studios and NeXT, a computer company that would later be bought by Apple. He returned to Apple as the CEO in 1997 and helped develop the iMac, iPhone, iPad and iPod.

4. J.K. Rowling

As of 2015, J.K. Rowling is the richest woman in the United Kingdom, but she was once a poor single mom fired by an unsatisfied employer.

J.K. Rowling worked as a secretary for London’s Amnesty International, but she spent much of her time daydreaming about story lines and even writing books on her work computer during company time. She was soon fired for her lack of attention to her duties.

Rowling survived on her severance check and welfare for several years while she focused on writing her “Harry Potter” series. She sold her first book, “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,” for $4,000 in 1997. Within three years, her first three books had earned $480 million.

5. Lee Iacocca

Lee Iacocca’s name is well-known in the auto industry and among business leaders as being synonymous with success, but the famed businessman once faced rejection from an auto giant.

Iacocca began his career with Ford Motor Company in the 1940s and was president of the company by the late 1970s. Henry Ford Jr., CEO and chairman of Ford, who was not pleased with Iacocca’s ideas, fired the president.

Iacocca joined Chrysler, a company on the verge of bankruptcy, and applied for government loans to save the company. Iacocca revived the company, even bringing in record profits with models such as the Plymouth Voyager and Dodge Caravan, ideas that Ford had ignored.

Being fired is uncomfortable and unsettling, but it can also be a moment of great transition in your life. Rather than beating yourself up, take comfort in knowing that many successful people before you have been in your shoes at one point in their lives. Dust yourself off and make plans for your future, knowing that this is only a minor obstacle on your path to success.

Photo Courtesy of naeemcallaway at



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  • David F.
    David F.

    I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.

  • Linda O.
    Linda O.

    I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason; maybe you don't know what the reason is when something happens but you will learn as you go from day to day becoming a better version of yourself. For those of you who haven't found your way yet I'd like to quote Tolkein: "Not all who wander are lost." Think about it and best of luck to us all!

  • tiffani g.
    tiffani g.

    Not Oprah!

  • Jim O.
    Jim O.

    That which doesn't kill you only serves to make you stronger. While it is hard to see in the moment, job separations are a gift which can put you in a position to thrive and flourish.


    After being terminated from four positions seemingly back to back. All while going through a painful separation and relocation with two young children in my care, I was hired at almost double the salary of my last position! It was a rough six month process while juggling bills alone in a new home, seeking and obtaining child support, supporting my children in new school and childcare environments, and staying hopeful yet I look back in praise and gratitude. I realized that I was overqualified in all four positions. The challenge is your story to a legacy of successes to come. Stay encouraged...

  • Mark T.
    Mark T.

    Being fired just means you should have quit the day before. The destiny is the same, only the slight matter of timing is different.

  • Patricia S.
    Patricia S.

    Thank you Thomas for your comments. I have been out of work for several years now, and continue to search every week. But nothing has materialized. In the meantime I am taking online courses towards my Bachelor of Science Degree, and I am currently shooting a film that I am raising funds for on Indiegogo. I am proud of myself because I am not just talking about it, I am doing it, just like you said. But it is a steep hill to climb. But I know if I keep pushing, I will get there. Never Give Up!

  • Monesha Scales
    Monesha Scales

    After 5 years with a company, I was wrongfully terminated. The company blocked my unemployment, and I am struggling finding a job. I know being fired does not define me, but it is so very upsetting and discouraging. I am a single mother and I have not had an income since the end of Dec 2015. It is encouraging to know, that someone may still hire me. I just pray I find that someone really soon.

  • Portchia Merchant
    Portchia Merchant

    That was very encouraging. I once heard and now I believe that "failure is opportunity in disguise" I

  • Monica H.
    Monica H.

    I am so happy in knowing that when faced with devastation and dissatisfaction being shown to you that we can turn this around to the goodness for ourselves and for the people.

  • Nancy Anderson
    Nancy Anderson

    Thank you for the great comments. @Thomas thanks ever so much for that. It truly is easy to continue to fall in the same rut by taking the same type of position. Sometimes we think that the position defines who we are and that we are the position. Not true by any means. You are absolutely right that being unemployed is a great time to search your soul and figure out who you are and what you want to do going forward. So many times I have seen a person jump from retail job to retail job and never are happy. Well, duh, maybe retail is not your calling! Melissa thanks for that. We wish you the best. With your positive attitude, you will go a long way. @Richard so sorry to hear of your plight but happy that you are on the mend. When your employer let you go, we hope that you at least were able to apply for unemployment to bring some money in while you recover. We wish you the best in finding your next great adventure.

  • Helen H.
    Helen H.

    Never say never


    No one is perfect

  • EDU A.
    EDU A.

    Thank you. This is very good information.

  • Richard B.
    Richard B.

    I had just started a new job then I became very sick knocking on Death's door. I was in the hospital for 3 months. My employer laid me off. Nothing I could do as I was not eligible for FMLA. Still looking for a job.

  • Melissa R.
    Melissa R.

    Thank you for the inspiring words. I was fired from a job almost two years ago and went on to take another job that I has been making me miserable. When trying to push for a promotion my current supervisor gave my very harsh criticism. I wanted to give up. I am working for some one who has half my talent and about a third of my work ethic. I am taking this as a sign to move on and come back to life. I am creative and talented and refuse to be overlooked. My new search begins.

  • Thomas M.
    Thomas M.

    As a job search coach for people at my church, I have used these examples and others to highlight this time as an opportunity, if you choose to see it as such. Happiness, determination and self worth are attributes WE choose, regardless of our circumstances. Unfortunately, many look for another job doing the very same thing as where they were before...a place that made them unhappy, worked them hard and then let them go, and sometimes this work related depression has a broader health impact also. So if you find yourself in this situation, see it for the opportunity it is...and before you rush to repeat the same mistake, look into your heart and uncover your true passion...then find a way to earn a living doing it. Don't just talk about...DO IT. Find people who have done it for themselves, learn from them...then DO IT. If you are doing what you love, you will never feel like it is "work".

  • Nancy Anderson
    Nancy Anderson

    Thanks for the comments. Getting fired from your current position could truly open up a whole new world of possibilities for you. Imagine what these people thought when they got fired!! @Jacob maybe some of them did have student loans or other debt and, because of it, they gave them the sense of urgency to move on. @Sylvia thanks for that. I imagine it's hard to be rejected but so great that you continue striving towards your goal. And remember, goals will change overtime. Back in high school I wanted to be a 3rd grade teacher. However, life got in the way and, instead, I had a career in the Navy. So you never know what might happen - the possibilities are endless.

  • Sylvia L.
    Sylvia L.

    This reinforces just how it important it is to pick up and carry on. Just because someone else doesn't see your potential-- or perhaps your potential was hidden because the job wasn't right for you-- doesn't mean you aren't highly capable. I always tell my students that my book proposals have been rejected by several publishers, but I keep revising and resending. It's an important lesson. I appreciate this article for reminding us of that.

  • Jacob T.
    Jacob T.

    My take away from this article is that all of successful people had one thing in common - none was burdened by crushing student loan debt at the time of their termination. Inspiration, and success, is relative. It is nice to know that regardless of the circumstance, somebody, somewhere, has been there before.

  • William Browning
    William Browning

    It's almost as if the firings led these people to achieve their dreams on their own terms. I love Apple's example because after Steve Jobs left, Apple teetered on the brink of insolvency. Then Jobs single-handedly saved the company. Imagine how contemporary society would be completely different if these five people weren't fired from their jobs.

  • Nancy Anderson
    Nancy Anderson

    Thanks for the comments. @Katharine so very true - keep true to your vision. If you get knocked down, pick yourself up and strive to make that vision a reality. Getting fired doesn't always have to be a bad thing. Getting fired can bring you back to reality and let you think about where you want to go from here. Maybe take your vision in a different direction in a different industry. Maybe you were really unhappy in your last position so it might be time to consider going back to school. Whatever your situation, it is true that, for the majority of us, success does not happen overnight. We have to continue working to reach our goals. It's nice to read an article like this because we are all familiar with the names and stories of these people. But there are many not so famous people who were fired and went on to become great successes and we can do the same thing.

  • Katharine M.
    Katharine M.

    So inspiring. It really is true that behind most amazing success stories there is a long and difficult road. Most people don't experience overnight success, though it may seem that way to us when we don't know the whole story. It seems like a common thread in these stories is that the person in question stayed true to his/her own vision- Oprah didn't stop being emotionally invested; she found a way to make that work for her.

  • D. L.
    D. L.

    I would say that most people get fired at least once or twice in their lives. It's great to know that one person's opinion about another person's capabilities isn't always the truth. Being fired for personality clashes is often masked over as poor worked performance. I'm betting that at least one or more of these five people had this issue because it's obvious that they are hard workers and highly capable.

  • Tara Avery
    Tara Avery

    Can you imagine being the editor who fired Walt Disney for having inadequate imagination? Or what the world would have been denied, if Disney had accepted that judgment at face value? Getting fired hurts and I think it's pretty natural to spend a little time grieving what was lost, but this just goes to show the importance of not letting one person's--or one company's--opinion define you.

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