Wal-Mart Reveals Patriotic Plan to Pump up Economy

Posted by in Retail

Wal-Mart is constantly under scrutiny. Whether it’s about workers rights, imported good or the effect big box stores have on mom-and-pop shops in the current economy, there’s always something to be said about Wal-Mart and typically it is not very nice. Wal-Mart is trying to change that perception and prove they are proud to be an American company. Bill Simon, president and CEO, recently announced Wal-Mart’s plans to give the home team the advantage with domestically made merchandise and a new hiring program for veterans. “At the heart of our national political conversation today is one issue: creating jobs to grow the economy,” said Simon. “[We] are making a strong commitment to move this forward.” While most of the clamor generated by Simon’s statement has been positive, some people are still skeptical that the plan is purely a promotional ploy.


The first step in Wal-Mart’s plan is to increase the American-made products that they purchase and offer to customers. During the next decade Wal-Mart intends to promote their “Buy American” campaign by spending $50 billion on products that would usually be imported--like sporting goods, storage products, games, accessories, apparel, textiles, furniture and high-end appliances. Currently, they claim two-thirds of the goods they sell are sourced in the United States. Domestically produced products like groceries, health and beauty products, household goods like paper towels, and pet supplies make up 55 percent of U.S. sales.


The second phase in Wal-Mart’s patriotic push is to recruit job candidates who have recently left the military. They intend to hire 100,000 veterans in the next five years. While not all veterans are interested in retail work, any honorably discharged veteran has a job waiting for them at Wal-Mart as long as they apply within the first 12 months off active duty. “Hiring a veteran can be one of the best business decisions you make,” said Simon, a Navy veteran himself. “Veterans have a record of performance under pressure. They’re quick learners and team players. They are leaders with discipline, training, and a passion for service. There is a seriousness and sense of purpose that the military instills, and we need it today more than ever.”


These are noble steps in the right direction. However, critics feel Wal-Mart is just scratching the surface when it comes to what’s really wrong with their current practices and that there are other effective ways Wal-Mart could make a meaningful difference immediately. They suggest that paying better wages and offering workers more regular hours would result in a bigger impact for individuals and the economy overall. Stuart Appelbaum, president of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, was quoted saying, "Retailers like Wal-Mart could provide the nation with a much needed economic boost by paying higher wages and providing stable scheduling - while still remaining profitable and continuing to offer low prices. By part-timing their workforce, they're hurting both workers and our economy by fueling underemployment."


Whatever the motives, everyone watching the plan unfold hopes for the best. If all goes well other retailers may be inspired to follow suit. “Imagine what retail could do together,” said Simon. “We could leave an incredible legacy as an industry. We can be the ones who step up for our heroes. And we can do this now.”


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos


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  • anthony b
    anthony b
    Retail is the SLAVERY of the 20th -21st century. Any one who has worked there can tell you that. Look at the Walmart employees...are they happy?...Walmart had an ad series series for a while....:" I work at Walamrt and I love it because...."...They pulled it because the rest of the employees and public knows that retail is better than no job at all but not much better....$7.50 per hour ...can u live on that?...I could not so I quit when I could collect Social Security at 62. The only people you will see working retail are school kids and retired people. Middle class families can't make a living. I worked with 20 yr retail vets who were making $40,000 a few years ago....they are making $20,000 now ( commissions have been cut from 9% to Zero on many products...during Christmas, when retail makes 50% of their business, commission on products can fall from 5-9% to 0-2%..)....there is no incentive to work retail...IT will die soon as more people buy on line...Most products are from China, they try to sell you credit cards and Product Protection plans which are junk,,,..THANK GOD..THEY WILL DIE.!!
  • Eric C
    Eric C
    Hiring veterans is a great idea. Employing people is even better. There are a lot of qualified people who need a good job. Any step to help the economy stateside is a step in the right direction.
  • Hiawatha S
    Hiawatha S
    I am a veteran and i would like a job.
  • Dana L
    Dana L
    This all sounds well and good but the problem is that the associates that already work for WalMart are suffering by hour cut backs after holidays, schedules that take into account availability of transportation, etc.They also shouldn't limit our sick days to 3 every 6 months or we can lose our jobs. The pay is barely over minimum wage and they always give a reason for not giving out full raises. They say they are family oriented, but the only family is the Walton family. Even our 10% discount is a joke since its only on things the store says and not on everything in the store. Sad!!
  • Michael G
    Michael G
    I am a 10 year Navy veteran myself and truly believe in what Mr. Simon is doing.  The issue I have is that the only veterans eligible are those who apply within the first 12 months off active duty.  I've been off active duty for 20 years, worked the first 18 for one company and was laid off 2 years ago.  I don't have a reason why but I haven't  found employment yet.  I just think  that someone in my situation deserves a shot at a job just the same as a veteran who is time eligible.  I guess my point is that it's hard trying to find a job to support your family and basically all honorably discharged veterans should be treated the same.
  • Wendy T
    Wendy T
    I quit shopping at Walmart about a year ago because there was a big sign hanging out side of the store that said send money to Mexico.  The store was nasty and full of food to attract Hispanics and discourage others so I don't and will never shop there again.  Too little to late.
  • A. C
    A. C
    Lately I buy lettuce, eggsand pet food at Walmart.I am not trying to make apolitical point but I havebeen underemployed foryears.
  • HK T
    HK T
    As A recent hire,I believe Walmart is making a sincere effort to enhance their communal and public image.
  • Beth R
    Beth R
    What an outstanding idea. I cannot wait to shop there again!!
  • LeeAnn M
    LeeAnn M
    100,000 veterans don't want minimum wage jobs. Maybe Walmart could pay a living wage to help improve the economy.
  • Theodore L
    Theodore L
    What about people that been in trouble but have not been in trouble for 5or 6 years
  • ron s
    ron s
    good for them because nobody else is gives a darn!
  • sheliah k
    sheliah k
    Hello I would just like to say that my son is an Iraq vet and has applied at walmart in colorado springs.  He has worked retail before enlistingin the army..However Walmart has yet to even offer him an interview!
  • William T
    William T
    I'm from Missouri.  I'll believe it when I see it.  "Show me!"
  • George w.
    George w.
    this is nonsense.....i work in wal-marts and the employees are so under-paid and worked so hard for the amount of money they receive...i feel really sorry for them....if wal-mart wants to help the economy pay better and give more consistent hours...what do veterans have to do with employees already not getting enough hours now...they will probably get even less
  • Janelle F
    Janelle F
    It is wonderful for veterans they have served for our country and now they will have the opportunity for a job. The idea of NO MORE HOMELESS veterans is wonderful thank u Walmart
  • Valencia B
    Valencia B
    If Walmart offered the workers a full 40 hr work week and paid a decent wage that would boost the economy more, It would get people who have to rely on partial assistance a chance to better themselves.
  • Mike D
    Mike D
    If they follow threw,i will spend my money there. I dont agree with the chinamart that thay are. As many people shop there why the hell wouldnt they support the country that made them who they are.
  • Larry b
    Larry b
    It may be to little to late. What about the vet who's been out 12months 1day.
  • John B
    John B
    I salute you for your position on hiring our vets ! But as a Vietnam vet I was disappointed that I was not able to meet your requirements. Again great direction, this also adds to your branding as being a home town company.Take Care.....johnb
  • RoyZ
    I don't believe a word of it.
  • John B
    John B
    I think it's a great step for Walmart to reach out to veterans in the coming year, it shows that they're not only for revenue,but their workers that make the money for Amen!
    Made in the USA and buy American products is an effective welcome change. It will spur economy growth and employment opportunities.Go Walmart, be the first to initiate. We are with you in this endeavor.
  • Donney H
    Donney H
    It all sounds great, especially the part about veterans, but why only recently discharged vets. There are a lot of us out here who has been out for a while looking for work. Give us a chance also.
  • Carla K
    Carla K
    I am excited to see what happens, I remember when they always promoted made in AMERICA I felt proud to shop there.

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