The Disappearing Medicare Doctors

Posted by in Insurance

One of the benefits of turning 65 used to be the ability to get medical care under Medicare. Free or low-cost medical care, just when you need it the most. Then came the fiscal cliff and the Affordable Care Act. Growing older with Medicare isn’t the safety net that it used to be. The cost of Medicare coverage is going up. Benefits are being cut. And now, faced with a 27 percent cut in payments, an article in Forbes, “27% Pay Cut Or Not, More Docs To Leave Medicare in 2013,” reports physicians are likely to bail out of the Medicare program altogether.


And who could blame them? If you were faced with a 27-percent pay cut at your job, wouldn’t you start looking? With salaries lower now than ever, who could survive a pay cut that drastic? Costs are rising for doctors at all levels, with the high cost of high-tech equipment and insurance rates. Retailers aren’t the only ones suffering from poor sales. Faced with higher deductibles and uncovered procedures due to a changing health insurance industry, people are delaying routine checkups and opting out of high-cost or optional tests or procedures. 


The American Medical Association wagged its finger at Congress for putting these physicians and their Medicare patients at risk. Unpredictable funding and cuts put 47 million Medicare patients and their physicians at risk. These elderly patients are often those who need medical care to deal with conditions that come with aging. More doctor visits and prescriptions are needed to deal with illness, chronic conditions and manage pain.


Lower reimbursement is a reality. The government has already lowered the fee schedule from a rate of $34.0376 to $25.0008. Unlike manufacturers or other service providers, doctors can’t lower the quality or quantity of services to match price cuts. McDonald’s can shrink the size of a burger, put fewer fries in the paper container or use smaller soft drink cups to cut costs. Doctors have to maintain or increase the level of service. To hold back could be a matter of life and death. No one gets hurt from McDonald’s cutbacks. But doctors have to deliver quality service despite price cuts or lower reimbursement rates.


Instead of lowering services, physicians are just pulling out. According to a 2010 AMA survey, about 9,000 primary care physicians are limiting the number of Medicare patients in their practices. As aging Baby Boomers reach 65, there will be fewer physicians willing to take new patients under Medicare. Some patients may have to switch doctors to find one willing to deal with Medicare cuts at a time in their life when they need the comfort of a familiar relationship with their physician. 


Medicare patients aren’t the only group suffering under the Medicare cuts. Insurance companies like United Health Care and Humana need physicians to participate in networks for their Advantage Plans, which contract with Medicare to provide services. 


Doctors, seniors, insurance companies and the government need to get on board to focus on the most important goal of Medicare—providing quality health care for an aging population that paid into a system promising affordable health care at a time when many need it most. There have been a number of fixes passed to prevent major cuts in medical reimbursement. It will take a concerted effort from all parties to find a solution that will give seniors what they worked for and paid into to make Medicare work for years to come


Photo Source: Ambro /


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  • Dottie S
    Dottie S
    I think Doctors need to  suck it up. How many doctors abused the system ? We've got people on social security who never paid Into it. WHY IS IT THE OLD THAT HAS TO GIVE UP THINGS ! The whole system needs over hauled
  • Richard s
    Richard s
    I believe the easier thing would provide medical doctor s with a tax credit balance th e board.
  • josephine p
    josephine p
    Before i really can't understand why my doctor for 28 years here in Los Angeles told me to only go see my doctor when I am really sick.I did not know that their payment thru medicare was being reduced.
  • JoAnn G
    JoAnn G
    Before the "affordable" healthcare act, medicare was in trouble, but instead of trying to fix it, maybe a means test instead of giving everybody everything, or by some other route. I believe in privatization of medicare and social security, while affording the citizens over 50 to keep their current benefits. I also support not paying for illegal immigrants  who have not paid into the system.The "affordable" healthcare act is the big elephant in the room that is causing further gutting of medicare. And now as the cost has tripled from the original estimated cost, medicare will be gutted even more. The big elephant in the room is the fact that obamacare is robbing from medicare and then the liberals who passed this debacle are blaming the republicans for cutting the medicare program, which is an out and out lie that the media facilitates. The sad fact is, the liberals are financially ruining this country and it's citizens and the media refuses to report on it and instead maintains the lies that the liberals shoot out there. And you people voted to re elect these people, so now instead of having obamacare defunded to help balance the budget (so that maybe there is something left for our kids and grandkids), it is going to be fully implemented. It will bankrupt medicare and probably the entire nation, at which point, no one will get any benefits. The only way to fix this is to somehow make the electorate a little smarter, but after 40 years of the institutions of indoctrination (formerly known as schools) dumbing down our population it looks as if our country is doomed to fail and no one will have any quality healthcare or quality of life for that matter.
  • Thomas H
    Thomas H
    Spot on!!! Congress and our president are putting all of us in harms way. If normal decent people get hurt, I don't see the value. The people will elect out those politicians and they know who they are.
  • Theresa Z
    Theresa Z
    I think this is a sad day forAmerica.  I am a nurse, I haveworked for 45 years,  thankGod I am healthy buy my Dr.just informed me he is nolonger taking any insuranceincluding Medicare.  RepealObama care!!!!

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