Two Ways to Focus Your Mind and Be More Productive

Posted by in Career Advice

Henry Ford once said that, “The hardest thing for any person to do is to think.” Thinking allows you to focus on your goals, and by focusing on the right goals, you will get the best results. One of the most difficult things to do, is to focus on the goals that will bring you the most profitable results. If you are looking for a business job or you run your own business, focusing on the things that matter the most are critical to helping your reach success.

The first thing you must do to be successful in this area is to clear your mind. If you are like most people, with the common occurrences and a mini-crisis or two that you experience throughout your day, comes the tendency to become de-focused. With so many things vying for your attention you can become easily distracted. This defocusing causes you to lose sight of what would be the most beneficial project to focus on at that precise moment in time. So, the first thing you must do is to clear your mind.

Here is one technique I use to clear my mind and allow myself to focus on what is most important. When I am working on a project, and something comes up to which I am tempted to shift my attention, I ask myself the question, “So what?” When my mind provides an answer that does not warrant shifting my attention, I simply say out loud to myself, “I will get to it later.” I remind myself that I must get the important things done first, if I am to have a productive day.

What this method does is to prevent the urge to suddenly, and usually most unproductively, shift my attention to something that can wait until later. I am then able to get back to the task at hand. Sometimes the task at hand is simply relaxing on our patio and appreciating the beautiful day.

I know my life can get far too hectic and complicated only if I allow it. I have only myself to blame, if I are unable to use the necessary self discipline to keep me focused on what I know I should do.

Another technique to use that can keep you focused, is to use a 3X5 card. Here is how to use it. Every time you think of something to which you feel inclined to shift your attention, pull out the 3X5 card and jot the “to do item” down. Once you complete the task you are working on, pull the card back out and review the list of “to do items.” As you review the list, prioritize which item to start on next. By using either one or both of these two methods to keep yourself focused, you will find yourself accomplishing more and more of the important things every day.

Tom Borg is a consultant in leadership management, team building and customer service. Please see more of his blogs go to and To view additional job postings go to Nexxt.

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