How Can You Get A Job When You Don't Have Any Experience?

Posted by in Career Advice

When you don't have experience in your chosen field, finding a job can be a bit tougher. Here are some tips for standing out.
When you are just starting out on your career path, there seems to always be the Catch-22 of work experience. Employers want to hire people who have experience, but if you can't get a job, you can't gain experience. This problem also strikes more seasoned job seekers who have decided to make a career change into a new field. So, how do you get a job when you don't have experience?
You can't make up experience, of course. But, there are some things you can do to showcase your skills and make yourself a better candidate, in spite of your lack of experience. Here are some things that can help:
  • Know you skills – Take a really honest look at where your skills are. What are your strengths and weaknesses? What types of jobs are you the most passionate about? Write them all down. Are there any special skill that you have that the employer could benefit from? Write those down too. As you go through your resume and write your cover letter, make sure that you stress these things. Make it clear that you are passionate about the work and that you have valuable skills that can compensate for your lack of actual work experience.


  • Work on your “like-ability” - Employers are more likely to hire a lesser experienced candidate who is passionate about the work and has a high degree of like-ability. The thought is that the actual skills needed to perform the job can be taught, but enthusiasm and ability to work with a team just can't. People who are likable have high social skills and emotional intelligence. They perform well on teams and make great leaders. Which makes sense, because everyone enjoys working with someone they like.


  • Emphasis your fit with the corporate culture – If you are applying for a job at a company with a clearly defined corporate culture, be sure to maximize on how well you fit in with that culture. For example, if you wanted to get a job with a sporting goods store, and you are a rock climbing enthusiast or an amateur athlete, you would want to be sure to highlight that.


  • Use social media tools – Networking with people who are already working in the field is a great way to get your foot in the door. Building relationships with others can give you mentors and even some great recommendations. Another way to maximize your network is by creating a blog that relates to the industry. Participate in conversations but be very careful with your online reputation. This will allow you to learn more about the field very quickly, and it will establish you as someone who is passionate and enthusiastic about the work.
The key to landing a job when you don't have the experience they are looking for, is thinking outside the box. When you are determined to get your foot in the door and are willing to work hard, employers can't help but be impressed.
What do you think helps when you want a job but don't have experience? Let me know in the comments.
By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer for Administrativejobsblog. Along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.

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