What are the Five Characteristics Employers Are Looking for?

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

Employers look for certain soft skills and traits in job seekers that lead to a good hire and maybe even a perfect fit for the position. These ideals are not necessarily about knowing a specific computer program or trick of the trade but more about having the right personality for the position. If you're looking for a job, consider these five characteristics that companies want in today's highly competitive job market.

1. Focused Searchers

The best job seekers do not go after every job they see posted on a job board. Instead, they choose to focus on targeted positions that fit their qualifications. These candidates know what the hiring manager needs and have the personal brand to go along with it. These candidates have copious amounts of enthusiasm, energy and intelligence to bring to the job, so they are able to show how these characteristics translate into a winning hire.

2. Solutions to Pain

Job seekers need to understand how to solve a company's painful problem. If you're going into customer service, write a cover letter introducing yourself by saying, "I love turning angry customers into best friends." This kind of sunny attitude goes a long way to convince a hiring manager you understand what the company needs. Outline that you know what problems to solve for the employer after careful research. This adds value to your personal brand by showing you took the time to understand the company.

3. Value-Added Opportunities

Confident job seekers know what they're worth before going into an interview. Rather than explaining why you do not have certain skills listed in the job description, explain how you bring extra value to the job because of what you do have in your skill set. Your confidence overcomes anything you lack, and it makes employers see that they have an opportunity to add value to the business by hiring you. Remember that the list of qualifications in the job description are a starting point for qualifications rather than an explanation of how to accomplish your job duties.

4. Taking the Initiative

The hunt for a job is not necessarily about job applications, resumes and cover letters. Great job seekers take matters into their own hands. If you're great at consulting, stand out at networking events by passing around your business card as a marketing consultant. Have your online portfolio handy so potential clients see what you have to offer. Take the initiative by sending pain letters to hiring managers explaining how you can help them. One of the best parts about consulting work is that you save the employer money by simply paying your fee rather than onboarding you as an employee.

5. Networking Wizardry

The last — and perhaps most important — of these five characteristics is your networking wizardry. Recruiters fill most jobs when they know someone who fits a particular skill set rather than examining candidates who go through an application process. Keep in touch with your friends, former professors, previous supervisors and prior colleagues who might have inside information about a company's pain that you can alleviate with your mad skills.

Job seekers understand that employers want to hire fantastic candidates. If you believe you're one of those people, you've already got the right attitude ahead of your next job search.

Photo courtesy of stockimages at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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  • Bouhaoua R.
    Bouhaoua R.

    That is the truth.

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