Understanding the Job Search in Modern Times

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

Understanding the contemporary job-search process may seem overwhelming to some. Prospective employees must come up with the best job matches by employing targeted searches, networking, keyword writing, polished resumes, engaging cover letters and the right attitude during an interview.

With so many details to cover, remember a few basic tenets about a modern job search. You need to determine how companies find the best talent and focus your energy on those aspects. Yet at the same time, you must stand out from the crowd, as everyone else who wants a job does the same general things you do in order to look for work.

First, know how technology affects your job search. Most employers use special software called an applicant tracking system to weed out candidates early in the process. The computer program compares keywords found in the posted job description against what you post in your online resume. Do not stuff your resume with keywords, but be sure to use terminology found in the major points of the job description. The applicant tracking system then compares all candidates, ranks them and makes a report to hiring managers.

Customize your submitted resume to the company that posted the job. The tracking system finds keywords in the skills, accomplishments, tools and credentials sections. For instance, if a computer programmer needs to know HTML5, that keyword should be in your resume. Free online tools help assess the possible success or failure of your resume.

Use LinkedIn in your job search in order to network with relevant people who can vouch for your abilities. Create a profile based on your work history, education, skills and positions held. Make sure you contact someone in your network if you use them as a reference.

Freelance on the side, and make your own position. Write a blog about the industry in which you want to work. If you have a passion for robotics, comment on recent innovations in the field. If cooking is your thing, blog about your favorite recipes and demonstrate how to make them on YouTube. Create your own job title or profession, and use that as leverage and experience in your field of expertise.

Research where the jobs are going and follow the herd. Pay attention to hiring trends within trade magazines and industry insiders. If the health care industry needs more home-care nurses and you still work at the hospital, consider more lucrative assignments with better pay as a home nurse.

The modern job search has been helped by the economic recovery, while the unemployment rate continues to go down towards 5 percent. Nearly half of all job seekers believe it is easier to find a job in 2015 than in 2014, and the key to finding a position remains knowing how to find the best job matches.

The modern job search is, perhaps, more convenient thanks to computer technology and online searching. Even if you can apply for a job in your pajamas from the comfort of your own home, you still need to be polished and professional with every aspect of the process.

Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net



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  • lena mcrae
    lena mcrae

    Your right Nancy


    Very useful!

  • Nancy Anderson
    Nancy Anderson

    @Stephanie yes things are definitely looking up in the job world. More jobs are being posted now than we have seen in the last several years. Companies are starting to hire so make sure you keep up with your job search! All the best to you.

  • stephanie jones
    stephanie jones

    I especially like the suggestion to research trends in your field of expertise and to consider new ways to reinvent yourself. Also, it is inspiring to know that half of job seekers feel 2015 is looking more promising in the time it takes to land jobs when comparing to 2014.

  • Nancy A.
    Nancy A.

    @Julieanna the world certainly has changed and it continues to change all of the time for job seekers. Companies make you jump through hoops just to apply for one position but then, many times, they don't have the respect to follow through. Ten years ago, you would apply for a position and would receive acknowledgement and a follow up. Today, not so true. Everything is done online today - no more paper.

  • Julieanna G.
    Julieanna G.

    Helpful article for those just entering the work force and for those that entered during the "paper resume" era.

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