Top Seven Tips for a Great Interview

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

An impressive resume stocked with relevant work experience and valuable job skills isn't enough to land you a job. The job interview gives you the opportunity to make an impression and prove yourself more worthy than all the other candidates. Consider these seven helpful tips to ace your next job interview.

1. Practice Your Responses

While you can't anticipate every question the hiring manager may ask in the job interview, you can research common interview questions and think about how to respond. Practice your responses in front of a mirror or with a friend. This gives you a chance to prepare well-thought answers and rehearse your pitch.

2. Do Thorough Research

Do an Internet search to learn all you can about the potential employer. Peruse industry articles to learn about current trends, and read press releases about the organization to find out about the latest happenings. This gives you valuable insight into the company so you can tailor your responses appropriately.

3. Dress the Part

Make sure your appearance is professional and polished. If you're unsure about the company's dress code, remember it's always better to be overdressed than underdressed. Jewelry should be tasteful. Avoid chewing gum, and don't smoke or eat immediately before the job interview.

4. Be Punctual

Make sure you arrive about 15 minutes early for your interview. This gives you time to check in with the receptionist, gather your thoughts and organize your paperwork. If you're not familiar with the company's location, do a test run a day or so before your job interview to scope out the best route and find out how long it takes to get there in traffic.

5. Ace the Handshake

When you introduce yourself to the hiring manager, offer a firm handshake to demonstrate your confidence. Practice your handshake with a friend or colleague until it's comfortable. As you're shaking the interviewer's hand, smile and make eye contact to show your sincerity.

6. Show Your Enthusiasm

Maintain a calm demeanor, and respond to the hiring manager's questions with enthusiasm. Discuss the skills and work experience you possess, and explain to the interviewer what you can offer the company. If you're asked questions about a current or previous employer, always speak positively about it.

7. Ask Thoughtful Questions

Use the information you learned while researching the company to formulate well-educated and insightful questions. Rather than asking about pay or benefits, inquire about the company's competition or plans for future marketing strategies. Ask about the next step in the hiring process and when you should expect to hear from the hiring manager.

Making a great first impression at any job interview requires the perfect combination of appearance, attitude and relevant job skills. Follow these seven helpful tips to ensure you present yourself well at your next job interview.

Photo courtesy of Ambro at


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  • vivekanand j.
    vivekanand j.

    helpful tips

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