Top 10 Trends for Job Seekers in 2018

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

The employment landscape is changing, bringing plenty of new job search trends that professionals can use to increase their odds of scoring a job. Here are some of the most prominent 2018 trends that may have a significant impact on candidates and recruiters alike.

1. Social Media Growing as a Job Search Tool

Not just reserved for recruiters anymore, social media has become a job search platform for 79 percent of job seekers, according to Yoh. Facebook continues to be a major player in this area. One study by Jobvite found that 67 percent of candidates who had found a job through social media did so with Facebook.

2. Employee Referrals More Important Than Ever

Word of mouth often trumps blind resumes when it comes to hiring. In fact, 48 percent of companies claim that employee referrals are the source of their best hires.

3. Distributed and Cloud Computing Gaining Value

While soft skills are still important, certain hard skills are becoming paramount. Professionals looking to keep a competitive edge should learn these two key skills, which sometimes carry greater weight than even a college degree.

4. Employers Looking for Extra Talent

Industry knowledge matters, but employers are increasingly looking for more diverse talents and skills. In fact, talent shortage is the largest hiring challenge among 65 percent of recruiters.

5. Science and Tech Jobs Growing

Job seekers looking for a new field of study have some strong options in fast-growing fields. Jobs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics are projected to grow 17 percent come 2018.

6. Career Sites Still Relevant

Applying online is easier and faster than ever. A Jobvite study suggests 32 percent of job seekers are using career sites to aid their job search.

7. Job Openings Receiving Piles of Resumes

Recruiters are receiving an average of 250 resumes for a single job opening, hinting at a competitive job market. Because of this, candidates should give extra attention to creating a standout resume if they want to gain a hiring manager's attention.

8. Diverse Hiring on the Rise

Employers continue to value candidates with diverse backgrounds and skill sets, and 32 percent of recruiters say this hiring trend is bound to continue, according to Yoh. Professionals should seek new experiences and skills to help them stand out during the job search.

9. Candidates Refusing Long Applications

Many employers use long application forms to gather as much data as possible about candidates, and studies show 60 percent of job seekers have given up an application due to its length. Candidates looking to increase their odds should arm themselves with patience and set aside time to complete lengthy applications.

10. Text Message Interview Scheduling Increasing

Mobile tech is making interview scheduling easy for recruiters as 41 percent use text messages for this purpose. However, that means candidates should keep an eye on their smartphones to avoid missing important communications from potential employers.

While these 2018 trends may not be set in stone, they give candidates a good idea of how to prepare for the coming year. With the right use of technology and some resume tweaks, job seekers can have a successful job search during 2018.

Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at


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  • Nancy Anderson
    Nancy Anderson

    @David Stannard thanks for your comment. If you click on the links (in blue) in this article, you will see what talents and hard skills we are referring to.

  • David F Stannard
    David F Stannard

    's 3 & 4, what talents and hard skills?

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