The Wrong Job Can Have Physical Effects on Your Body

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

Having a job you despise can take a toll on your health. The physical effects of a terrible job may manifest themselves in several ways, and these maladies could show mild symptoms at first before they turn into serious health problems.

Consider how a bad work environment creates negative health consequences. No one has to tolerate a miserable job at the cost of good health. Your health is more important than keeping a dead-end position.

Weight Gain

If you sit at a desk for eight hours, chances are you might gain weight. You can try to combat any added weight by eating healthy, taking the stairs and exercising regularly. Losing weight lowers your risk of all kinds of health issues.


More colds during the winter may not come from a more prevalent flu season. The combined physical effects of more stress, less sleep, less activity and those germ-ridden keyboards could lead to more colds, more sneezes and more sick days. Added sick days reduce your productivity and could even lower your income if you do not receive pay for days you take off from work.

Mental Health

Stress that comes from the daily, eight-hour grind of a terrible job eventually makes you prone to anxiety and depression. This occurs more frequently in people who have constant stress at the office. Take some mental health days and determine how to get out of this bad situation before the physical effects of your job ruin other aspects of your life.


Air quality within an office setting can affect your health, too. An old furnace, shoddy air filters and plenty of dust may create irritants that seep into your lungs. If you experience wheezing, a sore throat, itchy eyes and headaches, you might be spending too much time breathing indoor air. Try reducing the physical effects of bad air by cracking open a window next to your office space.

Heart Disease

Low physical activity, stress and poor eating choices could lead to serious health issues, such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Too much toxicity at work can increase your chances of heart disease by 40 percent. Heart disease is the number-one cause of death in the United States as of 2016, so you need to deal with the physical effects of your workplace sooner rather than later.

Premature Aging

All of these negative aspects and chronic health issues combine to prematurely age your body. Change positions at your desk every hour, and make sure you walk or stand for some periods during your day. Prevent back problems, leg cramps and fatigue by sitting during some part of your work day rather than spending all day standing.

Do you have any of these detrimental physical effects? If so, you can do something about it by taking these steps to make your office life easier or simply finding a better job that suits your needs.

Photo courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at


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