Optimize Your C-Level Resume by Showcasing Field Contributions

Posted by in Career Advice

When looking for C-level employment, you’re probably well aware that the majority of your opportunities will be found through network connections.  Applying online is definitely the road less traveled at this level, so if this is a road you choose to take, your resume should be stellar.

One way to create an amazing C-level resume is by showcasing the contributions you’ve made to your field.  By highlighting your awards, publications, speeches, and related information, you can prove you are an important asset to the industry you represent.

Honors and Awards

As a C-level executive, it is very likely that you have received many honors and awards over the course of your career.  So how should you incorporate this information into your resume?  A great option is to create a section dedicated to honors and awards in order to show readers that you have been recognized for your contributions to the field.

Publications and Speeches

Other great information to include in your C-level resume are media mentions, publications you have contributed articles to, and speeches you’ve given over the course of your career.  Also, you can add your online presence, including your professional blog or the guest posts you’ve contributed to at major online publications in recent years.

When Is it Too Many Contributions?

Be sure to consider this question when adding this information to your C-level resume: When does the section include too many contributions?

A great rule of thumb is to narrow down the awards, honors, publications, etc. to about five to 10 that relate to the specific job you’re applying for.  If you have a difficult time narrowing down your contributions, consider creating a supplemental document.

When applying for a C-level job the traditional way, you want to make sure you take every step possible to give yourself an edge over the steep competition you’re facing.  By showcasing your field contributions, you increase your chances of being recognized as a top candidate.


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