Is Your Desperation Showing?

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

Being out of a job is scary. Losing your regular source of income and part of your identity makes it easy to slip into desperation mode. Ironically, presenting yourself as a desperate job seeker, willing to take any job, is not likely to help you get employed. Watch out for these signs of desperation creeping into your job hunting routine, and take steps to improve your confidence along with your employability.

Crossing Ethical Boundaries

If you start thinking it's acceptable to share industry secrets in the hope you'll get a position, you're definitely letting your desperation show. The same goes if you're thinking of lying about your certifications. No job is worth moving in an unethical direction, and it's easy to get a reputation as someone who lacks moral fiber, resulting in long-term career consequences. Instead, step out of the role of desperate job seeker, and show yourself as an honest candidate who knows his own worth and is ready to do a great job if hired.

No Energy Left for Anything Else

Spending every waking hour working on your job search and collapsing into bed at night exhausted only to repeat the same pattern the next day is a sure sign of a desperate job seeker. Improve your outlook by taking some time for yourself. Add exercise or meditation to your routine, and limit your hours at the computer. Living a full life in spite of your unemployment keeps you energized and ready for the challenges of the job search. When you're relaxed, it's easier to present yourself as a confident applicant ready to handle on-the-job challenges.

Decline in Self-Confidence

Watch out for signs that your self-confidence is lagging. Are you starting to second-guess every decision? Do you find yourself describing your accomplishments and abilities with weak terms, such as "good enough?" Every desperate job seeker needs a cheerleader or two to help him see his strengths more realistically. Ask a close friend or family member for regular encouragement. Keep in touch daily by email or text, and set up weekly lunches to help you stay motivated.

Impaired Judgment

Are you considering a job opportunity that's a huge step backward or doesn't offer enough salary to make it worth your while? Do you suddenly think it's a great idea to work for free or move across the country? These thoughts show a lack of judgment that's common in desperate job seekers. It's important to get these thought patterns under control. Run your ideas by a trusted mentor to make sure they're sensible before making any concrete decisions, and work to reduce your anxiety levels by incorporating more relaxing activities into your days. Try listening to your favorite music, hanging out with your favorite people or communing with nature. Whatever helps you calm down helps you present your best self at job interviews instead of your irrational desperation.

Employers hire confident applicants who know what they have to offer, not desperate job seekers only showing their vulnerable side. Turn your desperation around by remembering your strengths, finding a cheerleader and adding fun, relaxing activities to your routine.

Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at


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