If You are Being Asked to Do These Things, It's Time to Move On

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

Employees are often eager to please their superiors, especially if they're working for their dream company. However, there are times when an employee should step back and reevaluate his decision to work for a particular employer. A reputable company generally has great business practices, so if you're working for an organization that asks you to do any of the following, it might be time to move on.

1. Lie to Employees or Clients

If you're a worker with superiors who want you to lie to employees or clients instead of actively addressing their concerns, it's time to leave. Employers who comfortably ask their staff to be dishonest likely have many dishonest business practices, and you've probably already been lied to by this employer. Politely decline the employer's request, and as you seek new employment with a reputable company, apologize to employees or clients if you're unable to assist them or meet their needs.

2. Break the Law

Workers who break the law feel guilty, but they often continue the illegal activity for fear of losing their jobs or prestigious roles. If you choose to do this, get ready to go down along with the organization once the authorities find out. Breaking laws might also cause you to lose your practicing license or face jail time. It's also a surefire way to ruin your reputation within your job industry. A reputable company won't put you at risk.

3. Hide Illegal Behaviors

Your superior might not ask you to perform illegal activities outright, but he might pressure you into hiding information about the company's business practices. Some employers may go as far as to ask employees to sign an agreement that prohibits them from sharing information about potentially illegal activities that amount to stealing from clients or laundering money. Head for the door as soon as you find out about these practices, and don't be afraid to report the company to the proper authorities.

4. Work Too Much

A reputable company knows that a healthy work-life balance is key to employee satisfaction and productivity. Therefore, you shouldn't be asked to work extra-long hours or give up your evenings and weekends on a regular basis after accepting the position. A reputable company also wants to give its employees the best opportunities to succeed, as well as to help them perform at their highest capacity, which is next to impossible if workers never have time to relax and unwind. If your job is taking over your entire life and your employer doesn't seem to care, it might be time to look for greener pastures.

Making the decision to leave your job can be stressful, but it might be necessary if your company doesn't have fair or ethical business practices. Try your best to move on without causing a disruption, and find at least one person who is willing to vouch for your strong work ethic, great leadership style and professional demeanor before leaving. Use this reference when seeking a new and reputable company to hire you.

Photo courtesy of imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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