How to Be a Customer-Focused Company

Posted by in Customer Service

It pays to please customers, because they will choose you over competitors even if they have to pay more to obtain your products or services. The following statistics show that companies can charge more for excellent service: 1. Most customers will spend at least 10 percent more for the same product with better service. 2. When a customer receives bad service, he or she tells at least 20 people. 3. When a customer receives good service, he or she tells up to 10 people. 4. If customers’ complaints are handled quickly and pleasantly, at least 80 percent of customers will repurchase from that company. 5. If the service is bad, at least 90 percent of customers will not return. 6. If your employees provider take the time to establish a relationship and create a rapport with the customer, almost all transactions were completed faster and more efficiently. You must close the gap between service and customer expectations. This creates a tremendous opportunity for your company to do better than your competitors and gain market share. You can only close the gap if you understand your customers’ needs. That means you must communicate with your customers. These are some characteristics of a customer-focused company: 1. Reward staff when they achieve customer satisfaction. 2. Managers support staff in doing their jobs well, and the staff focuses on customer satisfaction. 3. Employees are promoted and rewarded for good customer service skills. 4. Emplyees are trained to provide outstanding customer service. 5. All employees know their customers and greet them by name. 6. Employee feedback is regularly sought and considered on key customer issues before decisions are made. 7. Regular tracking of customer satisfaction is part of the business. 8. Customer satisfaction results are brought to every employee’s attention at each level, from senior management to production workers. 9. Every department considers the results and has input on how to improve the results. 10. Departments with the highest customer service scores are acknowledged and rewarded. Never underestimate the importance of ongoing, regular follow-up. You must constantly seek feedback from your customers, employees, and anyone who comes in contact with your customers. If management doesn’t continually seek feedback, then it risks the “gap.” Management must know without any doubt that their perception and the customers’ perception of good service are the same.

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  • Justis
    This has made my day. I wish all posting were this good.
  • Marlee
    Touchdown! That's a really cool way of putting it!
  • Kaycie
    Very true! Makes a change to see someone spell it out like that.
  • Fleta
    That's way more clever than I was expecting. Thanks!
  • Kaley
    In awe of that answer! Really cool!
  • Dallas
    Something I've noticed with how much more diversity there is in the country, it's helpful to have translators on hand to interact with all kinds of customers. It not only provides relief for employees trying to understand someone who isn't speaking in their native language, but it provides relief for the person trying to communicate what they want.
  • customercare corporate award
    customercare corporate award
    Wow. That's a great post you provided Jo Ann Joy. It is very informative and customer focused. I had my share of customer care a year ago and this summarizes all the things that makes up quality customer service.
  • Steve B
    Steve B
    Your points were well made: train and reward employees, gather customer feed-back and react.
  • Michelle Brown
    Michelle Brown
    I would define “customer-focused strategy” as a view on business that puts customers at the center of business decisions.  Doing this requires staying in touch with your customers through actionable marketing research.  Unfortunately, everyone thinks they can throw together a survey these days.  The problem is that measuring customer satisfaction is more a science than many think.  To determine the impact and real importance of the key drivers of customer satisfaction requires a comprehensive knowledge of multivariate statistical modeling.  There are a number of sites that discuss using analytics to measure customer satisfaction and offhand, provides some pretty good ideas of what is involved.
  • Staff Editor
    Staff Editor
    This is a great article that shows the importance of good customer service. In the past, I have given a company more business because of their good customer service. For those companies that I have received bad customer service, I have definitely told many people about the horrible service. More companies should explain to their employees the overall importance of customer service, and employees should be rewarded for their efforts.

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