Even More Tips to Practice

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Customer Service

In previous posts I have been reminding us of many great tips to put into action when you hold a position in the customer service field, whether that is as a direct contact with customers, or as a team leader supervising a group of customer service reps. Good supervisors know how to impart wisdom to their employees, so even if you are not directly connecting with the customers, it is important that you properly train your employees with these and other useful tips. These tips are brought to us from many other people out there in customer service positions.

Patience is an issues that you will come up against when dealing with customers. It takes time to solve issues, but customers may not always have the patience during the process. Your job is to make sure they do not feel like they are just hanging out there alone. If you know you need to put them on hold for longer than 30 seconds, but maybe not much longer, it is always good to check back in on the phone conversation to update them that you are still working on the issue. If you think the issue may take longer than a minute or two, it is probably best if you ask to call them back rather than make them hold. If you do this, of course, make sure you focus on their issue and call them immediately upon completion. Depending on the issue at hand, awaiting a return call can almost be as frustrating as sitting on hold. Always make them feel as if they are your only customer at this point, and that you are working to resolve their matter in a quick and timely manner. If possible, keep them updated on any progress if the solution stretches out for a longer period of time.

It is always a good idea to take brief notes when speaking with customers. That way you write down and can recall the main issues involved. Also, listen for little personal things they might mention in passing, like their pet's name, or a sickness in the family, or something that is important to them. If you then speak with them at a later date, you can inquire with them about that personal item, making them feel even more like personal attention was given and that you recall little things like that. Making them feel important is a big way to keep them loyal.

Many companies advertise they have great customer service, just be sure that you do everything you can to make sure your company does portray excellent customer service.

Jeff McCormack resides in Virginia Beach, VA. where he works as a web designer by day. In his off time he is a husband, father, and musician. Aside from being a freelance writer for this Customer Service Jobs blog, he also seeks to assist in career choices and information by contributing to other Nexxt blog sites.

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