Company Culture Starts With You

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Management & Business

As a manager, how you shape your workplace environment can significantly impact employee morale, productivity and profits. A strong company culture is the backbone of a successful business. Learn how to provide employees with a cohesive environment and dynamic team support by evaluating your leadership strategies.

Analyze Your Values

One of the primary elements of fostering a positive company culture is to stay true to the company's values. As a leader of the company, evaluate and assess your mission statement and values to determine if you are leading in respect to what is expected and encouraged by management. Request input from your employees to uncover how they are motivated and inspired to work harder and smarter. Strategies that offer intrinsic rewards versus focusing on extrinsic rewards and benefits may be the key to improving morale and boosting productivity.

Promote Trust and Respect

Employees who view their supervisors as trustworthy often value working for the company. Adopt an open-door policy so your staff feels comfortable providing suggestions regarding the workflow and business procedures. Conduct performance reviews that focus on ways to improve performance in a positive manner. Instead of leading with fear, promote a company culture that fosters growth and learning. Seek out ways to help your employees learn new skills, participate in professional development activities and bond with fellow team members to further embody the mission and values of the company.

Evaluate Your Leadership Strategies

How you communicate and lead employees can drastically impact the company culture. Take a close look at your management style, and consider polling your employees to determine leadership styles that effectively motivate them on a daily basis. Recognize that each employee has unique personality characteristics and work ethics, and accommodate your leadership strategies to improve overall outlook and performance on the job.

Lead by Example

Be a team player to improve and develop the company culture. After establishing the type of culture you think fits your employee base, model the behavior that ultimately makes the culture a reality. For example, if you want a more cohesive workplace environment that relies on teamwork, jump in and do your part. Form teams that are diverse, yet complement each other. Pair individuals together who can build on each other's strengths and weaknesses, and get your hands dirty by joining teams as well. Your ability to model the behavior and performance you expect helps build trust and respect among your staff.

An effective business relies heavily on the willingness of employees to work together and promote a positive brand and image. When your company culture is thriving, it's likely your productivity and sales soar as well. Continue to lead by example, promote positivity and communicate openly with your staff to develop a company and a culture that others admire.

Photo Courtesy of Ambro at


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