College Student Should Heed The Trends for 2015

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

Whether you are just starting college or getting ready to graduate, it is important to be aware of career trends for 2015 and beyond. Understanding these trends can help you choose a lucrative field or improve your chances of landing a job in your industry. Following current career trends also makes it easier to build strong relationships with your professional contacts, making networking less of a chore.

One of the most important career trends for 2015 is the presence of a skills gap in several industries. Employers are having difficulty finding entry-level candidates who have the knowledge and skills needed to succeed. In 2014, 50 percent of employers were unable to find suitable candidates to fill nearly 5 million job openings.

If you are still in college, it's a good idea to participate in job shadowing or internship programs to get an idea of what employers in your industry expect from graduates. If you are graduating soon, conduct informational interviews with key players in your chosen industry. Ask them what skills they look for when hiring for entry-level positions. If you lack one of those skills, consider taking an extra class or enrolling in a certification program.

The use of LinkedIn for professional networking and recruiting is another popular job trend for 2015. Simply submitting a resume or letter of interest to a potential employer is not enough to pique the interest of recruiters. Many recruiters now use LinkedIn to determine if an applicant is a suitable candidate for a job opening. If you don't have a LinkedIn profile, or your profile is incomplete, take the time to ensure your profile is attractive to recruiters and hiring managers.

Ask your professional contacts to endorse you for particular skills, or demonstrate your writing skills by linking to an article or blog post you wrote about a topic relevant to your industry. If you don't have a profile photo, add a professional-looking photo of your head and shoulders. Check your profile to make sure it is free of typographical errors or formatting issues. Make sure your profile contains all your degrees and certifications.

It's also important to be aware of career trends in specific industries. Students often choose their majors based on the popularity of certain careers. As a result, thousands of graduates flood the market each year, competing for a limited number of jobs in the same industry. If you are aware of current career trends, you can choose to specialize in a particular niche or minor in something that makes you more marketable. For 2015, some of the most popular jobs are in the fields of dentistry, nursing and software development.

Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions of your life. The most popular jobs aren't always the most satisfying or the most lucrative, so don't make your decision lightly. Stay on top of current career trends to ensure you always have up-to-date information when choosing a major or deciding whether to accept a job.

Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at



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