5 Pre-Interview Tips to Help You Make the Best Impression

Posted by in Career Advice



So, you applied for the job of your dreams. After waiting patiently, you finally got the call asking you to come in for an interview. You are prepared for the questions they might ask and feel confident that you are ready for this chance. There are still some things you can do to help keep the nerves at bay and make sure that you are making the best impression before you even get started with the interview.

Here are 5 pre-interview tips that can help-


  1. Be Prepared- Try to find out where you are supposed to go and who you have the appointment with. You don't want to walk into an office looking bewildered and not sure where you are supposed to go. Make sure that you know the interviewer's name. It can also be helpful to use Google to get driving directions to the location and even check out the street view so that you will be familiar with what the building looks like. If you have the time, you may even want to do a rehearsal the evening before your interview. Drive to the location and see where you will be going so that you don't get lost or end up being late because of bad directions.

  2. Arrive Early (But not too early)- This is always tricky. You want to allow extra time to get to the interview in case of traffic, but you don't want to show up at the interview more that 5 to 10 minutes early. Arriving earlier than that can make the interviewer feel rushed and also gives you too much time to sit and wait. You can count on the fact that the entire time you are sitting there waiting, someone is watching you. I have always brought along a book so that if I arrive way too early, I can sit in my car until about 10 minutes before the interview, then I will go into the office for the interview.

  3. Don't Smoke- This should go without saying, but don't smoke on the premise. I know that you may be nervous and trying to kill some time, but it looks bad to stand outside an office to smoke. If you are a smoker, take care of it before you arrive. You don't want to smell like smoke when you go into your interview. After you leave, drive away from the office before lighting up.

  4. Use the restroom ahead of time- Try to stop at a restroom before going into your interview. Take the time to check your hair, take a deep breath, throw away any gum, freshen your breath or anything else you need to do before you start your interview. You don't want to make the interviewer wait for you while you are in the restroom, and certainly don't want to have to excuse yourself from the interview in order to visit the restroom. Taking a restroom break can interrupt the rapport you are trying to build, and there is nothing worse than trying to present yourself in the best light while trying to hold it.

  5. Turn Off Your Cell Phone- It isn't enough to just turn your phone to vibrate. Turn it all the way off and take off any Bluetooth earpiece you might be wearing. If you set it to vibrate, you can be sure that in a small lull in conversation, it will go off and be distracting. Keep in mind that this interview could be the most important thing you have done all month, it is worth turning your phone off and giving it your undivided attention.


An interview can make or break your chances at getting the job you want. Keep your cool and be prepared. I know that it can be nerve wracking, but take a deep breath and now that others have survived this and you will too. And hopefully, by being as prepared as you can, you will be able to show them how brilliant you are and be on your way to the job you wanted.


By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a freelance writer and regular contributor to several websites and other publications, a volunteer, a full time mom and an active job seeker.


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